What niche are you serving?

I thought it would be fun to hear what niche your indie hacker project is serving.

I'm Community Manager at Indie Hackers, but I do have a business Ministry of Testing (that I mostly just coach/advise on these days) that focuses on serving the software testing market.

What is your business? And what is your niche?


  1. 6

    With the Sales For Founders course (and podcast) my niche is pretty clear...

    (technical) founders who are fed up of not running a profitable product business

    That said, even in this small niche, I have to address 3 different sub-niches in completely different ways...

    1. Founders who are struggling to find their first customer
    2. Founders who are struggling to come up with a product people want to pay them for
    3. Founders who are struggling to grow from a few customers into a profitable business

    It's interesting, because niche 1+2 actually have the same problem (and solution) - they just think about it in very different ways, so the targeting and language has to be completely different...

  2. 6

    Our project, Violet.io, is developer focused and best falls into the developer tools niche.

  3. 5

    Just a few weeks ago I launched Space Bandits, a place to find interviews with space founders. It's basically inspired by the early version of Indie Hackers but focused on the space industry, specifically startups that will help make humanity multi-planetary.

    Quite niche, but I think everyone is interested in space in some way!

  4. 4

    I'm building an online builder to create SaaS apps visually, ideally without any coding www.caravelstudio.io
    Currently, my niche is very broad (maybe because the product is not finished yet haha), but it's mostly people with ideas of SaaS apps, developers wanting to generate apps templates and edit them without coding and - probably later - digital agencies.
    Thanks for the question, Rosie.

  5. 3

    We are helping solo entrepreneurs manage their time and hopefully relieve their stress a little bit with Satistime https://www.satistime.com/ .
    Satistime combines a "to do calendar" with "goal planning". Users can set their goal, break it down to sub-tasks, assign a day, time, week or month for each task. They can also see their progress at a glance - including daily to do's, weekly schedule and longer term goals.

  6. 3

    I built https://www.kanochart.com to help Product Managers prioritize product features based on customer feedback.

  7. 3

    I want to serve tech workers who don't want to be remote workers, but don't necessarily live in tech hubs either.

  8. 2

    I'm working on Support Hub and it focuses on small businesses and indie hackers who are just starting out and need some simple solution to provide customer support for their products.

  9. 2

    Solo founder (that codes) of HolidayAPI.com, a DaaS for developers in need of accurate, up-to-date holiday/calendar information.

    "Developers" being somewhat broad, my customers are mostly companies that need holiday data to supplement calendar/scheduling systems and data scientists that are looking for the same information. Also a high percentage of free users that are learning to code and are in need of an API that they can practice their AJAX on.

  10. 2

    We run Mailmeteor.com, which is an emailing tool that best serves sales and marketing people.

    1. 1

      examples of persona:

      • indie hackers using Mailmeteor to announce a new release to their community, running cold emailing campaigns, making PR campaigns (could also be startups or larger companies wanting a tool just fitting their emailing needs)
      • teachers, schools or universities : when sharing grades at the end of the semester, invitations to a student contest...
      • individuals using Mailmeteor for new year wishes, inviting people to their wedding, running their local association
  11. 2

    Working on Versoly, starting with the SaaS niche, it is growing market.

    Also the founders and employees are always online and understand the benefits of having a SaaS solution. They should also give better and more feedback than other niches.

    The market is massive but if I went after all of it, I would get lost in the noise.

  12. 2

    Product: www.callcast.co
    Niche: podcast creators

    Podcast recording, editing, and publishing for the busy person. CallCast turns your phone calls into podcasts so you can grow your community and following without spending a lot of time on expensive equipment.

  13. 2

    Molecular Biologists. In small labs.

    1. 1

      Would you care to share a link?

  14. 1

    I sell NASA-style embroidered patches to internet workers: https://www.cyberspace.builders 🚀

    1. 1

      Damn, that's really cool ! Good job :-)

  15. 1

    We focus on Wordpress Theme designers (for UI) and startups that need illustrations. Still thinking of other niches we could serve.

  16. 1

    With CryptoTrader.Tax, we are targeting both cryptocurrency investors as well as tax professionals looking to prepare reports for clients who trade crypto.

  17. 1

    We are narrowing down to the target of adults with ADHD.
    (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

  18. 1

    www.communitystash.com, currently in closed beta, focuses on serving the community managers market, providing them with resources and tools to build their communities.

    1. 1

      I remember that, I think (?) I put my email there for notification...? Always happy to talk community management!

      1. 1

        Yep, finishing to collect some resources and soon to publish v1.
        It's always hard share it with the world for the first time :)

  19. 1

    http://www.brewui.com provides tools for advanced homebrewers. Once complete we will help with creating and managing recipes, inventory services, and a brew day dashboard.

  20. 1

    My project Packetriot, https://packetriot.com, is focusing on serving two niches: developers/indie-hackers (Founders who Code) and those that self-host applications.

    Our value proposition with Packetriot is the savings in cost when compared to hosting one or more side-projects on public clouds.

    You can host on your own equipment, which saves time when pushing out early versions of your application, and we will make the networking seamless, secure and reliable, so everyone else on the Internet can check out your project and you can save money as you build it and your audience.

  21. 1

    I serve freelancers to organize their current moment using tool.


    I threw away almost everything except this kind of tool.

  22. 1

    I just launched codepusher.io, which is a platform for developers to collaborate on programming challenges together. Hope to make the experience of learning to code or finding other developers to code with a lot easier.

  23. 1

    Although more horizontal, https://textcalc.com is a good fit for alternative energy companies adding price estimators to their website

  24. 1

    group tutors. people who tutor to groups and are processing 50 or more students a week. tewtin.com

  25. 1

    Our company, https://Iterative.ly, is helping teams QA their product analytics. We help teams who rely on data to capture clean, consistent product analytics they can trust.

  26. 1

    I built GG| to serve gamers. I was the initial target market because I wanted a way I could keep track of the plethora of games that I'd missed out on when I took a 15-year hiatus from gaming.

  27. 1

    Our business, https://hq.network, brings enterprise-grade digital security tools to individuals and businesses. We think current digital security offerings are too difficult to use and intimidating. By focusing on the UX of security, we hope to provide tools that non-security experts can use and benefit from!

  28. 1

    My company, BookPrescriber is about curating personalized book recommendations. Https://bookprescriber.com

    1. 1

      Hi, just curious. Do you have a good source for your book meta data?

      1. 1

        hey @Ecker, I use Google Books API to provide all metadata. Everything generally works great except the book excerpt, which currently is unformatted.

  29. 1

    My company, eventOne, is event technology (e.g. event app & registration) that is somewhat targeted towards homeschool organizations. But I'm not limiting to that market.

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    This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

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    This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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