Office Hours with Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers

Hello indie hackers!

I’m Joanna Wiebe. I run Copy Hackers, where digital marketers, growth geeks and SaaS businesses learn to write copy that gets the yes.

For nearly 15 years, incredible companies like Intuit, BT, Tesco, Prezi, Crazy Egg, VWO, SAP, Canva and MetaLab have trusted me to optimize their copy. And incredible conferences like Mozcon, INBOUND, SearchLove and CXL Live have invited me to teach their audiences to write copy that converts. And along the way, more than 50,000 people at early and growth-stage startups, small businesses, huge businesses, international agencies and indie establishments have let me coach their copy forward.

I'll be holding an #office-hours session next week on the Wednesday 8th of May at 11am Mountain Time. Feel free to join and let's talk about about challenges you may be facing — I'll pick up to 6 of you from the comments and email you the details on how to attend.

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    Oh wow!

    This is super, super awesome!

    Massive fan of Joanna.

    I'd love to get her feedback on the copy I write for my sales funnels/email sequences at SalesForFounders.com

    Either general feedback, or I would be happy to think of some specific parts of copywriting I'm struggling with in my emails. For example...

    • building trust
    • nudging people towards taking a particular action
    • handling objections


    Totally understand if I'm not picked - I already had a chance to attend office hours a few months back, and everyone deserves a go :)

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      Haha, cool. I was just thinking about emailing you to ask about how you learned to write copy and what resources you suggest.

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    This is a great idea!

    I am working on roiforms.com.

    My product helps SaaS companies demonstrate ROI benefits in the sales/lead generation process.

    I am struggling with how to effectively communicate our value in short copy on the landing page.

    I am also interested in your thoughts on the blogging component to launching a product. I know it can be very valuable, but at this stage it is time-consuming and the benefits seem hard to quantify.

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    Hi Joanna, how are you doing?

    Paulo from Brazil here.

    I'm building a subscription-based web services company with an American partner. We offer unlimited WordPress, Graphic Design and Marketing Automation tasks for a flat monthly rate.

    We are struggling to grow, and one of the challenges is making people 'get' what we offer and be willing to sign up.

    We are always changing our website copy, because we are not sure if it's good enough.

    If you could review it, would be amazing.


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    Hey Joanna! Big fan of your content/efforts :) Would love to Zoom-in your live-streamed, Wednesday session if possible!

    I run remotive.io (est. 2014, all details in my IH profile) and could use some help!

    Especially keen to dive into our Community page (https://remotive.io/community) and landing page (https://remotive.io/) - many thanks :)

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    I'm a complete novice when it comes to writing copy. Code , no problem I can do that in my sleep (yes really), but copy... my head spins.

    I'm working on launching my first product as a solo founder and suspect my copy stinks, but right there is my problem, I don't even know how to tell!
    I'd love to get direct feedback on some of what I've written for Front Desk with the intent to learn how to get started improving my copy, what resources are available, and generally make the set of things I don't know I don't know about writing smaller.

    This is the first time I have heard about Copy Hackers, and I'm excited to learn such a place exists! See you over there...

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    Hi Joanna! I'm a big fan of Copy Hackers. I commented often a few years back.

    I spent a lot of time doing marketing for other people's businesses and now I'm building my own. I'm also an actor, and my business is focused around that.

    I'm creating a membership site for actors ( https://working.actor/ ) to learn everything they need to know to be a professional. The feedback for the few people I've shared it with so far has been "I wish I had this 10 years ago when I moved to Los Angeles".

    There's some content available for free right now, I'll be launching a paid version in a couple months.

    I would love your guidance on launch strategy, and on creating landing page copy that will motivate right-brain artists to join and take action on the left-brain business tasks for a successful career.

    Thanks for doing this office hours session. :)

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